Sunday, May 16, 2010

What Causes Mottled Hands 0.2 - neat and now ...

accumulated in recent days, the new versions around the "DVR-recover" project. By now the version is 0.4 currently. The changes, however, keep within bounds, the patches fall from relatively small. However, some improvements have been opened:

Version 0.3:

The settings file will now be charged no more, if the parameter was specified "sample_settings. (The file should be created only with the parameters, a previous opening pointless.) To avoid misunderstandings, were replaced some terminology and standardized.

    The help message is now more information on the bracket. They can not be taken in the settings file, otherwise errors to occur.
    • Version 0.4:
    • The parameter "test_settings" now is not the list of input files as Completely. The output from Python brackets and "unescapten Strings were confusing. Instead, each input file in a separate line is "file-hdd" to spend it. This is also the syntax of the settings file.
    • Before the lengthy process of the scan is started, is now trying to create Chunklisten file. This prevents an error message after the completion of the process, if the file can not be written. It is extremely unfortunate if the script fails after four hours of work on such a simple mistake and all results are lost.
  • As always all the information to the script on my to find
    • homepage.
    • But what next? I think I will develop the project is still active for some time. The next goal is to switch to a Sqlite3 database. This makes it possible for the on-demand data
    can be queried and the list will not be held in memory. It is also possible that records are kept on the progress of collective action. It would then be possible that you can interrupt the process can continue without loss and later convicted. By Sqlite3 database and the transaction model, it is also atomic
, an inconsistency of the data is prevented. I also have the overviews of the code a few logic errors discovered. These do not seem serious, since even some users were able to save about 60% of their data. A better rate is unthinkable in my eyes. Later, the user guide be simplified. All settings are in the database, the settings file will be abolished. Before the first usage, the script prompts you interactively for the required settings. Well, then I'll see how the interest in the project developed and eventually the project will rest in peace.


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