Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Does Citalopram Give You A Bloatedstomach?

biography of Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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Fritz Box Phone: create table with shortcuts

A nice feature of the Fritz Box is among other things, the Speed Dial administration. At the core of all important contacts can be saved and provided with a speed dial, so you can not remember the phone numbers must separately at each store or phone numbers when either.

is also practical, of course, a clear table. These can create either by hand, which of course is more than boring. It is easier when the phone book from the Fritz! Exported and can automatically create the table. It even goes without scripts, but with a simple XSL transformation . The XML file is transformed using the XSLT file to another XML language. In this case, XML is converted to XHTML (pure HTML would also be possible).

Phone can be found after logging in to fritz.box in the left menu. Then you click on Save and load the phone book down. My

be ready XSLT stylesheet must also downloaded yet. (. In download directory it is to have examples that you can look at this in a folder named Fritz Box / Phonebook XSLT / Examples !)

There are 2 ways to activate the XSLT stylesheet:

  1. It opens the XML file from the phone book and adds to the
     \u0026lt;xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> a 
    definition line:
     \u0026lt;xml-stylesheet type =? "text / xsl" href = "Telefonbuch.xsl?> 
    A reasonable browser (Firefox) opens the page properly then.
  2. Man used xmlstarlet or a similar tool and generates the XHTML page:
     xmlstarlet tr Telefonbuch.xsl Telefonbuch.xml> Telefonbuch.html 

No matter which path you take, you get in the end a page with a table that it only applies to print. :)

shows the example site might look like it.

Friday, November 26, 2010

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Bye Bye! Hot Buys

Heei people
I do not know why. Are my makeover so bad?
Or why no one wants one, or comment on my work?
makes the really not fun!
love mandy mister, vieln Thanks for letting me do a makeover here!
I beg you to stop the 2-placed ..
I have either way too little time for SD ... Apprenticeships & search so ..
beautiful evening & Bye Bye

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Simply log and then HERE !

Have fun! ;)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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There are once again free jewelry! This chain is actually only available to Greek users of Stardoll, but you can get too!

Just the proxy on 195 200 193 156 and port 8085 ( how? ) switch. Then you give the browser www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=768 , and logging in you. It may take some time to her since on the page. After that, only 'view' 'finish' to rewrite, update page and go!

Have fun! ;)

Friday, November 19, 2010

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Have fun! ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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101 descriptions for Living Enlghtenment / the highest consciousness life

He has talked about issues in the fields of management, meditation, relationships to religion, from success to Sannyas (possessions).

The solutions he offers are based individually to the needs of its listeners, whether material, social or spiritual. But the common thread that runs through all his messages, the essence of all his teachings, the truth of Jeevan Mukti, a life in the highest consciousness, Living Enlightenment.

In this special video for all listeners worldwide, Nithyananda reveals for the first time the truth about life in the highest consciousness to 101 species. From the last "Inner Awakening" program together, it brings together many components that mark the way of life in the highest consciousness, Living Enlightenment. Each of these revelations may be an immediate click / access, a technique of contemplation or a lesson to remember . Take these truths to precisely because they have the capacity to be still within you and to come forth, at precisely the time when you need them.

Cute Things To Write On A Cd

first Umstyling

Huhu ^ ^

Ana_Girl_1o here is your makeover:)

It is always to match the outfit ^ ^


Monday, November 15, 2010

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student consult downloader.pl

In the circle, there was again interest in a small script, which of course is to automate tedious work again. I found the task not just uninteresting, so I've just set it. This time, however, no Python code, no, Perl. (Lately, I've learned also know its advantages.)

The Perl script is in the position of the side studentconsult.de books download. As far as I know, you can purchase on this site probably for the study of great books and read them online. Prima. Is just a little silly if you even read these things offline will. That is not possible, unless you save the pages by hand. Well, no satisfactory solution.

I say it before: The script is nothing more than a quick hack. It works, at least the way I've tested it. There could be many opportunities for improvement and the source code to make even more beautiful. It runs as usual: the project is free software, anyone can help yourself. If someone reports, I would be more willing to make changes.

First, install the Perl and curl. Perl should belong to the default, rather not curl.

 sudo apt-get install perl curl. 

get now fix the script and make it executable.

 curl-O 'http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1996083/Projects/studentconsult-downloader/studentconsult-downloader.pl chmod + X StudentConsult-downloader.pl 

The script requires a few more information. You have to open the browser, logs in and opens the book, which you want to download. In the address bar you will find a now a parameter, which looks like an ISBN number (and probably also is). This number is required (and with the hyphens!). You'll also need the cookies. In Firefox, go over the Edit> Preferences> Privacy> Show Cookies (is on several different versions of Firefox). There, one looks for studentconsult.de and investigated the cookies CFID and CFTOKEN (See picture).

Now you have to edit the script and find the first section 3 lines that start with our :

  our   $ cookie_cfid   =  '' ;   our   $ cookie_cftoken   =  '' ;   our   $ isbn =    '' ;  

In this Variable definitions with one of the above values in the single quotes one. That's it. Start the script simply by running:.

 / student consult downloader.pl 

The venture now takes quite a while. If we again face a command prompt to get the script and issued no messages, then it is ready. The self-generated summary page can be found at / tmp / student consult / index.html .

Before running the script a second time (eg with a different book-ISBN), then delete the folder you previously / tmp / student consult / !

Perhaps the script benefits someone. In such a case, I'd appreciate a little feedback. Those who have suggestions should make themselves known, as always you. You can still do many things, such as the sides could be styled with CSS. In addition, the frames not to be chic and images are not yet processed. (One can but also look at just the page source from the online portal ... The original code is also less not as standards-compliant,) I am surprised that a browser is so smart at all to get it baked a displayable page ... )


Sunday, November 14, 2010

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first Umstyling

Huhu ^ ^
I've created my banner:)

you like it?

So, I am for the 1st reports on this great makeover Blogg ready ^ ^

you if you still like "wishes" you, just write this ^ ^


2010 Fleetwood Scorpion

Huhu ^.


I'm brown _and_ green
I'm here the "new" Umstylerin.
I'm really happy that I won ♥

Öm, yes: I
am 15 years young hot ^ ^
&'m from Switzerland:)

on a "stylish Future

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^ And the winner is ...

And gets the job ... brown_and_green ! She won with 3 votes!
It is now our new author. Congratulations! :)

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The big jump!

Now begins the big decision of who gets the coveted job-authors for this blog. You can now vote for your favorite clock to 19:00.



Tunes here :

Who has created the better outfit?

Can You Reinfect Yourself?

vote for writers Job

Actually, it should now go to that post to see who is now a thing of the new author for TNSN. As we have unfortunately received only 5 total votes for the vote, we can choose no clear favorite. There have brown_and_green Derya1111 and get 2 votes each.

How's next for decision?
Well, I have decided that now is a 'jump' between the two. The task is changing clothes my MeDoll, but not make-up, but the Clothes.

I still want to have an author, the task goes to Today 16:30 clock. It runs as follows. Simply send only one mail message and the attachment is a before / after image.

followed by a further vote, which runs 2 hours.

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Diwali Festival - an introduction

Saturday, November 13, 2010

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Free Playstation!

Hi! There was free again! This time is a Playstation for your suite.
Just go to goproxing.com and www.stardoll.com/en/campaigns/den_uk/contest.php?gift=true looking .
Only write if you have switched to the main page for her the Playstation!

Have fun! ;)

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The big decision!

Sun .. the make-overs are in! Now it is in your hands and mouse, who is the new author is. In addition, I asked each candidate why she is the right one for the job. The answers can be found under her pictures.
Please give your vote from tomorrow until 14:30 clock.
Here are the creations

why I am the right?
because: I read every day this blog I also write in another blog and I have experience it would not have a long waiting list I give give me any hassle and eighth also details of
it would make me a friend with you ♥ I hope to work together that's enough brown_and_green

Why: I want to be hairdresser:) & that means I've been a little knowledge of trends and things like that. Since I am just 15, there are no granny-style, but no children's parties and with crown clown faces: D
I am creative & Vibrant: D

Why Am I the right for it?

Because it is fun to make up another star dolls.
And I like to try something new with other dolls.
It is always exciting as a make-up Doll modified)

Here are the vote:

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devotion - Dance your way to the believe

was worship of Flagstaff at the opening festivities of the Karthigai Deepam
Today's Discourse in the last Paramahamsa Nithyananda's series "Holy feelings. The topic was devotion, dance your way to faith, dance your way to divinity. If you are just going, then you're not going to divinity. He was very clear: if you go only are you carrying your body. Leads go only straight to the cemetery. When you dance, it's always on divinity.
He clearly said that it is not dancing on drugs or alcohol influence. Ramakrishna said very nice, "If many birds are on the tree and you klappst your hands under the tree, fly away all the birds. That may be so, if you klappst your hands and dancing, then fly all the karma of it in your heart. "The burden that you carry in your heart, all the karma in your heart will simply run away when you sing, dance and worship or religious services executing. This makes Kirtan, the audition and answers in sacred Sanskrit chant, an important technique to enlightenment. He let a paragraph, the Narada wrote about the different expressions of worship:
worship and devotion to the master with Pratyaksha Pada Puja
"hear stories about him, make songs of praise, remember about him, to care for him and care, worship him, say hello, the practice of termination of service, dedication, loving intimacy and complete devotion to him. "
Swamiji was so moved by the heel, he said," Oh, God. I think he has given a complete and comprehensive description of devotion, or at least tried. "
He went on to explain that is not an expression of worship except Kirtan, a technique. While you're singing and dancing and considers the idea of the divine, you close it in your bio memory. Kirtan gives your system easily. Wear a light nature, and nothing can touch you. He stressed that he would define character. Bedeuted character to have a light nature, otherwise nature. It's a relief to have a light nature. Only a person who has a light being, capable of singing and dancing. In addition, you should, whenever possible listen, you divine music. He suggested a half hour daily, three to four times weekly, to dance and sing. Not fixed as a routine, but whenever you have time, then your whole being a light beings be. You will not be the soil in which the breeds negativity. A brooding spirit is the ground for negativity.
Swamiji remembers the years in which he roamed as a seeker in all of India. He remembers to have run a lot of students just singing and dancing. The levels of ecstasy and Bhakti were created and stabilized in its essence. For many days, even months, the experience remains in the system. It is inconceivable but you do not need anything from the outside world. If you have only a taste of ecstasy. It not only creates waves of devotion in you, the nervous system is so powerful, it will remain in your bio memory.

How To Word A 30th Birthday Party Invitation

eKalpataru with Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Germany

The first eKalpataru with Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Germany took place on 16 October 2010!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Prema Bhakti: The final way

Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda established in divine bliss, or eternal bliss talking about here and Prema Bhakti Sacred Sentiments - Holy feelings ...
Paramahamsa Nithyananda has spoken on various dimensions of Bhakti. He lit from different angles, the sense of Bhakthi. Today he spoke about an important aspect of Bhakthi: spiritual belief.

self Swamiji can, according to him, not be reduced to mere words, what the large, ecstatic "Prema Bhakthi 'accounts. However, he offered to give us a few techniques, definitions and inspiration. But he wanted us to make very clear that he does not define "Prema Bhakti", but explain only a few techniques wants.

So, take the following simply as an inspiration, because it is extremely venerable
He read us first before a beautiful poem by Akkamahadevi.

like a treasure hidden in the ground
The flavor in the fruit
The gold in rocks
The oil in the seeds
is the absolute hidden in the heart
No one can know the path of Chennamallikarjuna

This poet was a Prema Bhakta and lived as a child in Ecstasy. It is so deeply hidden that you can not sing about it. He said their feelings would be so easy, why can not they express a few words? What she needs for a great poem?

Because it is simply too much. If you're obsessed with that experience, everything is on poetry. Therefore, they must say something that she brings her extraordinary ecstasy expressed. If you are in the Bhakti is not one possesses the Bhakti, Bhakti but that has a. It's not like anything in your house. Bhakti will own you. If you think you have Bhakti, then it is only a borrowed Bhakti.

If you have, it is Prema Bhakthi. Swamiji mentioned that sometimes he just smiles, to avoid this issue. He does that when the subject is overweight. How to explain the phrase "in the heart of the believer, it drips like honey?
You can not really explain it, either you make the experience, or you do not do it. He laughed and said that most people who hear such a phrase likely to be needed after a bypass surgery!

some point it becomes dangerous to sing on Bhakti. Swamiji said that Bhaktas are aliens who do not belong on this planet. Some, non-mechanical parts of the brain are awakened in this way. If they are awake again, many can not even talk to normal people. Swamiji has supporters who can not go to parties, or to talk about other things. Due to their extreme ecstasy, they have nothing in common with normal people.

It's only the ecstasy that can sing. For Prema Bhakthi there is no real explanation, perhaps only experience possible ...

Swamiji told how to extend his eyes every time he utters these words. As it comes to his throat when he sings, the joy in expresses his body, and exudes the courage of his being with these great words, the most sacred feelings.

He hopes that he can transfer that experience to the visitors of its GNP (Bhakti Spurana program). This is the only reason why he sings every morning there and speak. Otherwise there is no good reason why so many words should be used to sing about something that can never really be sung or said.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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"... Most people love chocolate, and eat half of the chocolate world Europeans 1.5 million tonnes a year -.. That are 15 billion tablets every German eats an average of about eleven pounds a year, however, is not chocolate-eating. as harmless as we believe -. especially not for children in Africa, aid agencies suspect the chocolate industry to benefit from child trafficking and child labor in Africa and thus to conceal crimes ... "

Here is a super reportage about the dirty machinations of the cocoa industry, child trafficking, child labor and the ignorance of the big companies! has

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Monday, November 8, 2010

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Bhakti - the Key to Eternal Wisdom

8th Morning Message November 2010

Paramahamsa Nithyananda started his new series of the sacred, with Bhakti, devotion and worship. He says Bhakti is the goal, it brings wisdom. He let a poem in front of the great mystic poet Kabir:

The bhakti path winded in a subtle way
are on this path, there is no question and no not-ask
The ego simply disappears in the moment when you touch him
The pleasure is to seek Him so powerful that you simply hineintauchst
swim around like a fish in water
If someone needs help, the lover jumps on his offer.

beautiful explains the poem the gift of Bhakti, devotion. The ego simply disappears and is replaced with humility and deep patience. If there is suffering, it is based on arrogance. Swamiji warned spectators and observers can not herumzusein to him if you festhaelst to your suffering. It choked him. Do not try to bring him to your level. Only know it is the tallest and disappear in it.

Kabir's Bhakti poem reminds us that if you're really in love in God, with life, then you're ready to jump up and offer any assistance that it needs. This is a very sacred atmosphere. He recommended all this truth to spend the day and to practice it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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self-test - 30 days without sugar

... and here is the link to my new project : come)

plan I am by a call on the website naturgetr.eu , mainly with the themes of nature, environment, and Climate busy, but also with the issues of sustainability and consumption and social criticism. Well worth a visit:)

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... after weeks of abstinence Blog ...

I've yet smooth n Anrantzer get from my joy that I post anything. Is understandable - somehow. Finally it was here, with Except phone (talking on the phone incredibly reluctant) and e-mail (will never read anyway), the simplest way I communicate. Well, what can we say ...? I had just simply can not be bothered.
That has now changed! To this blog can not be totally mess with my new project, I have made myself to create a new one.
are 4 clock at night, in 2 hours I have to get up again, I can not sleep. Too many things that force you to staying up ... Since I myself known for months, or by not eating meat / fish or buying clothes instead of ethically produced Unsustainable heavily loaded mass products à la H & M had to urgently something new her. That is why I'm on for hours looking for new challenges: and lo, I think I just found my new project ...

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