Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home Depot Shower 30 X 30

Fritz Box Phone: create table with shortcuts

A nice feature of the Fritz Box is among other things, the Speed Dial administration. At the core of all important contacts can be saved and provided with a speed dial, so you can not remember the phone numbers must separately at each store or phone numbers when either.

is also practical, of course, a clear table. These can create either by hand, which of course is more than boring. It is easier when the phone book from the Fritz! Exported and can automatically create the table. It even goes without scripts, but with a simple XSL transformation . The XML file is transformed using the XSLT file to another XML language. In this case, XML is converted to XHTML (pure HTML would also be possible).

Phone can be found after logging in to in the left menu. Then you click on Save and load the phone book down. My

be ready XSLT stylesheet must also downloaded yet. (. In download directory it is to have examples that you can look at this in a folder named Fritz Box / Phonebook XSLT / Examples !)

There are 2 ways to activate the XSLT stylesheet:

  1. It opens the XML file from the phone book and adds to the
     \u0026lt;xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> a 
    definition line:
     \u0026lt;xml-stylesheet type =? "text / xsl" href = "Telefonbuch.xsl?> 
    A reasonable browser (Firefox) opens the page properly then.
  2. Man used xmlstarlet or a similar tool and generates the XHTML page:
     xmlstarlet tr Telefonbuch.xsl Telefonbuch.xml> Telefonbuch.html 

No matter which path you take, you get in the end a page with a table that it only applies to print. :)

shows the example site might look like it.


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