Monday, July 26, 2010

Instruction Book For Bush Dvrhs02

Wifi games - part 3

Without words ...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Volleyball Gro Ribbon


My uncle needed a solution to corrupted music files with the backup copies to replace. It had already saved all defective title in a M3U playlist. The problem of the matter is, however, that the paths of the backups were not exactly predictable. They hide in part in different subfolders. However, all paths end according to the scheme / Artist / Album / title.ext .

why I've developed a script that does just that. The following parameters are passed:

  • - input-file The path of the M3U playlist must be passed.
  • - import-dir : The path of the root folder of the backup copies must be passed.
  • - export-dir : The directory into which the files should be copied, must be passed as well.
  • - convert-sep : (Optional) Convert the given character in the path of the separator system.
  • - encoding : (optional) Input and output encoding of the M3U files. In most cases, M3U files be latin-1 or utf-8 encoded .

Assuming that the path of a file in the import directory is / Home / stefan / backup / music / artist / album / title.ext , then it is transformed to Artist / Album / title.ext . Now the program takes place in an M3U file the path C: \\ Music \\ Artist \\ Album \\ title.ext . If a parameter - convert-sep '\\' was passed, the path also to Artist / Album / title.ext being transformed. The file / home / stefan / backup / music / artist / album / title.ext now after \u0026lt;export-dir> / Artist / Album copied / title.ext .

is used internally Sqlite3 a database that is created in memory.

It is not much to it, but decayed before the script on my hard drive, it can also have someone else.

  # / usr / bin / env python3   # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #     # Copyright (C) 2010 Stefan Haller \u0026lt;>   #   # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify # it under the   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or   # (at your option) any later version.     # # This program is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import optparse
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import sqlite3

class M3UObject(object):
__slots__ = ( 'path' , 'extinf' )

def __init__ (self, path, extinf):
self.path = path
self.extinf = extinf

def __str__ (self):
if self.extinf is not None:
return "%s\n%s" % (self.extinf, self.path)
else :
return self.path

def __repr__ (self):
return "M3Object(%r, %r)" % (self.path, self.extinf)

class M3UProcessor(object):
__slots__ = ( 'filename' , 'encoding' )

def __init__ (self, filename, encoding):
self.filename = filename
self.encoding = encoding

def process (self):
extm3u = False
extinf = None
f = open(self.filename, 'r' , encoding=self.encoding)
first_line = True
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if first_line:
first_line = False
if line == '#EXTM3U' :
extm3u = True
if extm3u and line.startswith( '#EXTINF' ):
extinf = line
if line.startswith( '#' ):
yield M3UObject(line, extinf)
extinf = None

class Main(object):
__slots__ = ( 'options' , 'args' , 'db' , 'regex' )

def __init__ (self):
self.options = None
self.args = None
self.db = None
self.regex = None

def setup_db (self):
self.db = sqlite3.connect( ':memory:' )
"CREATE TABLE import ("
"path TEXT,"
"transformed TEXT"
")" )
"CREATE TABLE input ("
"path TEXT,"
"extinf TEXT,"
"transformed TEXT"
")" )
"CREATE TABLE copies ("
"input INTEGER,"
"import INTEGER"
")" )
"CREATE TABLE output ("
"input INTEGER"
")" )

def close_db (self):

def transform_path (self, path, convert_sep = False):
if convert_sep and self.options.convert_sep is not None:
path = path.replace(self.options.convert_sep, os.sep)
if self.regex is None:
self.regex = re.compile( r'(' +
os.sep +
r'[^' +
os.sep +
r']*){3}$' )
match =
if match is not None:
return 0 )[ 1 :]
else :
return None

def parse_arguments (self):
parser = optparse.OptionParser()

parser.add_option( '--input-file' )
parser.add_option( '--import-dir' )
parser.add_option( '--export-dir' )
parser.add_option( '--convert-sep' )
parser.add_option( '--encoding' )

self.args) = parser.parse_args()

def check_arguments (self):
result = True
for i in ( 'input_file' ,
'import_dir' ,
'export_dir' ):
if getattr(self.options, i) is None:
print ( "Please specify --%s!" % i.replace( '_' , '-' ))
result = False
return result

def scan_import_dir (self):
self.db.execute( "DELETE FROM import" )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.options.import_dir):
for f in files:
path = os.path.join(root, f)
transformed = self.transform_path(path)
if transformed is not None:
"INSERT INTO import "
"(path, transformed) "
"VALUES (?, ?)" ,
(path, transformed))

def process_input (self):
self.db.execute( "DELETE FROM input" )
processor = M3UProcessor(self.options.input_file,
for m3u in processor.process():
transformed = self.transform_path(m3u.path, True)
if transformed is not None:
"INSERT INTO input "
"(path, extinf, transformed) "
"VALUES (?, ?, ?)" ,
(m3u.path, m3u.extinf, transformed))

def find_copies (self):
self.db.execute( "DELETE FROM copies" )
"INSERT INTO copies "
"(input, import) "
"FROM input "
"INNER JOIN import ON import.transformed = input.transformed"
self.db.execute( "DELETE FROM output" )
"INSERT INTO output "
"(input) "
"FROM input "
"SELECT copies.input "
"FROM copies"
")" )

def copy (self):
for result in self.db.execute(
"SELECT import.path, input.transformed "
"FROM copies "
"INNER JOIN input ON = copies.input "
"INNER JOIN import ON = copies.import"
src = result[ 0 ]
dest = os.path.join(self.options.export_dir,
result[ 1 ])
try :
except OSError:
shutil.copy(src, dest)

def write_output (self):
f = open(self.options.input_file + '.new' , 'w' ,
f.write( '#EXTM3U\n' )
for result in self.db.execute(
"SELECT input.path, input.extinf " "FROM output" "INNER JOIN ON input output.input =" ): m3u M3UObject = (result [0 ] result [ a ]) f.write (str (m3u)) f.write ( '\\ n' ) f.close () def run (self): self.setup_db ()
if not self.check_arguments():

if __name__ == '__main__' :

Baby Having Stomach Pain Dua

Wifi Gadgets - Part 2

All it takes to be a directional antenna for WLAN's. At least I hope ... ;)

is what you get then assembled from. The wooden blocks have to be removed of course, still serve to stabilize the bonding.

BitSwitcher detect some networks:

Monday, July 19, 2010

How Does It Take To Get Back Results From Std

wireless gadgets - Part 1

Thanks Kismet and BackTrack 4 and good old Acer Aspire One can also go fix an open Wi-Fi network related. I especially like the development towards Freifunk , even if German legislation such great initiatives to restrict unnecessarily strong. But as an open wireless network is everywhere but a good thing. But what happens when you make the antenna range is not quite sufficient?

I fared similarly. Although I'd network and e-mails handed it also perfect, but the thing was a catch: It seems the router radioed too weak. The built-in AA1 Atheros card did well and sent the package with amazing speed, but the radio signal from the other side was so weak that the packets slow the Netbook eintrudelten (if any).

why I came up with the idea of tinkering with my own wireless radio antenna. Even before I had read something here and there, but really I have explained to me is not finished. But now I wish I sometimes wonder whether I can do it;)

The problem is that of course I also need a chipset for the antenna. Most simply take their Wi-Fi USB sticks, and then solder to the antenna. But I have no such key, and why? The Atheros card in AA1 provide excellent services. And this I will certainly not turn rumfrickeln: p A new purchase is out of the question, where is there because of the fun?

Well, I did so just grabbed an old router. A Targa WR 500 VoIP. If you look closely, It is a real "scrap box" (compared to Fritz Box: p) and identical with the speed W500V the T-Com. They grabbed the position probed and cut the thing into its component parts. As you can see in the picture below, it is very easily possible to replace the antenna of the device.

with the normal firmware but then you get no further. Therefore, the modified fast easy BitSwitcher firmware onto the device (does not hurt yes, anyway, anywhere * inside * Linux g). This firmware is really awesome and gets the last out of the old box. It is possible the wireless hardware in the client mode enable and to a wireless network to join (otherwise, the device provides a separate access point). Just what I need.

Now it is easy to route packets from the wireless network to the LAN network. Even a bridged mode is available. So I just use the router via LAN as my wireless receiver.

Well, what's missing now is the antenna. With the built-in antenna, it is now, too, but the use to me even yet. I also need a field test, of course, a field in an open area. Should not be so hard to find, but one with a 240V connection already;). But if need be just to keep the converter to the cigarette lighter her:)

Continue So the construction of the antenna. The internet address of really interesting points. I think I will opt for a bi-quad antenna.

Poketex Para Pokemon Platinum

OS 4.0 DVR-recover 0.6.1

For some time, so Apple's iPhone OS 4.0 is available for both the iPhone and iPod Touch. This version is in contrast to the other even free of charge. Well if that's not something is because Apple has indeed been a lot of effort;)

I'm not a huge Apple friend, but here I can not complain really. There are a few tangible improvements - most of the features are only available with newer models, so I can not test it. Even so, the update brings something: I have a feeling that the operation has improved, although I can not say exactly what me do it. But that is not matter, the main thing it funzt:)

For those who want to run the firmware update to the new iPhone OS 4.0 in a virtual machine: iTunes The device starts in Recover Mode. Thereafter the device with a different ID, so you need to forward the "new" USB device to the host system. If you caught the right moment, one is not dependent on a real Windows or Mac system.

How Can You Use A Sheetz Gift Card To Buy Gas?

Since I announced the latest versions here, I do this with this version and just, even if they're practically what has changed:)

  2010-07-18 Stefan Haller   Version 0.6 .1: *   DVR : Fixed misplaced parenthesis introduced in release 0.6. Thanks to Martin for pointing out this issue Gašparík! 

Yes, yes, with a decent test suite would not certainly happened. )

→ project page

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Leather Engraved Bracelet From Disney

DVR-recover 0.6

Again there is a new version of DVR-recover, but this has yet to come ... or not.

  2010-07-11 Stefan Haller   version 0.6: *   DVR : Binary operations simplified. *  DVR : Fixed bug throwing exception "__main__.SqlManagerError: multiple chunks are referencing the same chunk for concatenating". * Readme  : "Tuning" section added. 

noticed some users, that has crept into the last edition, a small error. This error, however, had a major impact, since it allows you to restore only a very limited scale of the files.

is further known that IsoBuster apparently in a position that disk image to read in part. However, this is also limited. As long as there is a need for my script, I'll try to manage the project and umzustetzen all desired features. IsoBuster Even if all data would be able to read successfully: IsoBuster is shareware and costs 29.95 USD. A free opportunity as has my yes its advantages;)

I personally think that Panasonic used as a kind of UDF file system. After all, IsoBuster is able to open the dump is. The block size of 2048 bytes would support my thesis. Moreover, it would be logical, because the recorder data would have to write to DVD convert not only because they are about to be available in the appropriate format. Some other people also agree. But will still not be an arrangement to the recording information. Presumably, the structure of the disk as follows (figures, of course, no guarantee, just a guess on my part):

  • firmware
  • Table of Contents (information about the recording, date, sender, ...)
  • UDF-like file system layout

There are moves the file system to investigate. I'm also interested. In the meantime, you can save with my script pretty well the recordings. If you would know, of course, the file system exactly, you could play back the recording at a rate of 100% ... : D

My script is here not at the approach of the file system. Therefore, it is maybe not completely reliable and some images are not displayed. However, I think that the default setting for the parameter "min_chunk_size" is set too high. One I can no longer fine-tune properly I possess not a reflection of the hard disk anymore. If someone can show, however, that a small default would be better, then I would reduce the default settings in the coming releases.

At the point, I refer to the place on the Internet, where one can buy probably the most information about the subject: A thread in AVS Forum . There has also begun the development of my script and is also advanced substantially. There

Friday, July 9, 2010

Academic Standard Poster Size

Ladies Genital Tattoo

"Two Hearts - One Rhythm" - Fair Trade connects

Well folks, where do I start? Found that it is time once again to express their own opinions.

After I brought a few days ago the last exams behind me and slowly coming to the animal 6 weeks was happy holidays, I came back the project days to mind. 1 year I am now at college, almost belonged to the old iron of the school, one more week and I know exactly how it will run again next year. Found the idea of project days actually pretty great, sometimes annoying ne welcome change to the exam stress, but now when everything tends to end anyway but it is a little annoying. Under the motto "50 Years Over Mountain College - Education," the project will start on Wednesday. After my first sports euphoria that drove me a few weeks ago to tell me the charity run project to join, I endschied me then but, shortly before, the motivation to run at 35 ° in the shade at least 10km was suddenly no longer there. Otherwise I'm forefront, especially in charitable matters. If it does not go straight to animals I do with any crap. But in the heat? No thanks!
So, what other choice did I now had to the bio-project, for days in the garden, eat our organic herbs teacher -? I do not know! Meditation for beginners? - Come on! And on the other projects I can not remember me, senseless and without purpose in my opinion were simple.
Finally decided Andrea (*) and I then for the policy project. Since we both had this week anyway before subculture debate led to the minorities join us wanted. Why not this time? Well, what does "not" ... That was basically our first chance since then ... And hey presto we were in it ... and we both have a threesome! Super condition for constructive team work! Andrea and I were around 9.30am, with my little sister, who is currently on a visit on his way to Enschede. Shopping and such! At least we had previously schonmal n Topic:

The influence of the bio-boom in the consumer behavior of people and the demands of the consumers of organic products

Since we would have in any case Wednesday schonmal can worry about it - have We then moved on Thursday. At breakfast. The result is then at least ne Evaluation of half an A4 page. Better than nothing. Today we were only half an hour in the school. I love this project!
And because I now only to finish Sunday Sun 50-10 questions for our survey needs, while others still have to spend at least 3h in rooms without air, I grab my bathing suit and even the same search me n shady spot:)

And now I have put so much already written without it to the point!
I am an avid organic / fair trade consumer. I buy everything! Whether or not it tastes! In any case of food, for Clothes still lack the necessary capital. And so I just wanted to add my two cents.

"By buying Fairtrade products, everyone has the chance to make the world a piece of justice!"

... is the official Transfair - Homepage. Crazy fit for such a topic. Since I have immediately felt a bit better when I saw my fair-trade orange juice next to me. To the whole thing to make fun of right now a few facts that everyone should appeal to a little deal with what you actually eat and what impact their consumption behavior in animals, the environment, but also to whole populations.

begins Basically yes when buying coffee, bananas, oranges, mangoes and even soy. Only the least put the question where their food comes as easy as they consider available. And I also saw the acquisition of Chiquita bananas to be completely normal. Bananas are great. Multinational corporations but unfortunately not! Plantation industry is now in Asia, Central and South America and Africa "walk and add" work for "everyone" is through the establishment of companies finally available and it seems as this would lead to secure livelihoods. Unfortunately this is never the case!

• mass production of inferior Quality is produced here
• burning of pristine primary rain forest, the result
• The cultivation of monocultures, pest infestation of cultivars
promotes • Loss of biodiversity
• contamination of the soil
• Socio-economic impact

This last point should make us think. Everyone always speaks of social justice, but no one is doing what. Basically, we go through life much too naive. You should be aware that farmers and plantation workers under the constant pressure of the world economy are, the fluctuations of supply and demand and produce their products are exposed to one under precarious working conditions, where thousands die each year relates to both their products for a minimum of middlemen must sell. The consequences of all this can lead to impoverishment. We should make clear that whole families, whole villages and whole countries are partly dependent on our consumption habits. And who now thinks that it must provide alternatives right! Of course there is this! Whose dream is not to let his children work with pesticides, to prescribe the prostitution, drugs to reduce or move into the filthy urban slums.
Fair Trade is therefore a great step to counteract this!
The world produces every day anyway 9 times as much as we consume ever to our "needs" to cover what is so totally absurd alone. In my opinion we should start our own personal attitude to reconsider. It is difficult to imagine that supported the naked buy 5 bananas, the miserable working conditions that dictate the big companies are.
We just, Germany would have to be one of the leading industrial countries are basically the responsibility to the emerging and developing countries to make the living conditions there to improve, because the people have no chance to escape from this injustice alone.
Sun and the Ablschuss still one of the best cons "But that's all so expensive!" A SO rubbish!
bananas, coffee, oranges (juice) are just a few cents more expensive than other products and that is to cope with that! Also, there was now also still in 15.08 supermarkets. REWE, LIDL and DM already have their own product lines and if I can finance my small BAföG sentence then will go to others. It is not about if we surrounded his entire consumer behavior, one should only start to consume more consciously and to act fairly to offer all the other people and future opportunities to secure livelihoods. We should learn to take responsibility for our actions, not mere naivete and go through life questioning everything.

And as Jean-Paul Sartre said:

"If you do not need your eyes to see will, you, you need to cry."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Acrostic Poem Generator For Anna

"You scored as a hippie!" A bit of patriotism

Hippie! That's it, I've imagined. The enthusiasm with which I mastered the way home barefoot, I am on the first demos of the music on the instruments and the strictly retained exibitionistischen constraints have long been puzzled to make me do ...

Hardly We were out of town to the closest major city has drawn Rumschlag you with various problems. The search for the perfect delivery service, setting up their own new home, the possibility of his free time to make something different than going to the gym and to hang out every weekend in the same club and of course new friends. Well, after all I can put a check mark. The Chinese around the corner is great and the pizza from Joey's are great for cat management, the apartment is, after 2 wonderful visits for rent, finally, to some extent set up my badminton and basketball skills were up to extreme's exhausted, used up on the club scene's most extreme, yet somehow is not yet the perfect fresh start. The desire for belonging and individuality are always crystallizes out on. Mainstream is eh 'stupid. Says at least the NEON! And what the NEON says is law. So was the logical, as Marx would say that is predetermined by the natural consequence

The search for the perfect sub-culture!

Well, and since the disaster began. Hours of Pro-Build and Kontalisten during math lessons, the evaluation of policy actions, both legal and illegal drugs, different clothing styles, leisure activities, the partitioning of of societies, particularly from friends, the potential for violence and prison, and of course the question all Singles: What subculture puts the best potential partner?

For me the thing was at least partially clear, the reluctance of skinheads let me out, close the skinheads would not be the perfect choice (who is here but already decided on this slightly stupid subculture should be short yet this test complete) The sympathy for homosexuals society and the loathing of lice prevents me from joining the Rastafarians.
At least that's clear. Not so clear was the matter with the Goths. My aversion against Mantises, pseudo-religions and the Sunday bells I was just a little to doubt. I was then re-tuned by the daily make-up.
So what would you be doing?

Exactly! A psychological test ! For all those who still are not sure of its subculture, which vary between capitalism and communism, skull tattoos favor but also of synthetic drugs are not averse to ...

So, my future is sealed, NEON is due, not mainstream at last! First thing tomorrow I'll throw the heels into the corner to revise my ideal of prosperity and drug use ! High screw be

Backpackers Bc Canada


... because it so beautifully to the current World Cup fanaticism fit for the whole of Germany with favor on the street goes, but no criticism of the savings plans of the Federal Government expresses what we like it or not employ more than a possible victory at the World Cup ...

Egotronic-Raven against Germany

Free Ipod Kates Playground

last part of the grassroots journalism!

Finally! Again a trend followed up again a little further mainstream, once again giving away my information to corrupt dealers, look again, an effort to more individual than others.
Well, catch Let's at: Basically, this is the sharp rise in part my attempt to write a pleasure to meet. After nearly a year of e-mail abstinence to which I myself have taken refuge from the loss of my company email accounts because of my exit from the canned fish scene, I celebrate my comeback here. Although in a different way.
time as herring fillets in tomato sauce and the perfect outline technique of a fish can nor should one of my main interests, I was able to turn to good 8 hours a day my social contacts to the hard, always escaping in keen competition with such working life of the fish canned industry. Today, about 1 year after my departure I am trying to get my life back under control.
This will now be the beginning, a blog about any of the crap comes to mind. Of meaning and purpose of free exchange of information for which I am ashamed at some point in the land.