Friday, July 9, 2010

Ladies Genital Tattoo

"Two Hearts - One Rhythm" - Fair Trade connects

Well folks, where do I start? Found that it is time once again to express their own opinions.

After I brought a few days ago the last exams behind me and slowly coming to the animal 6 weeks was happy holidays, I came back the project days to mind. 1 year I am now at college, almost belonged to the old iron of the school, one more week and I know exactly how it will run again next year. Found the idea of project days actually pretty great, sometimes annoying ne welcome change to the exam stress, but now when everything tends to end anyway but it is a little annoying. Under the motto "50 Years Over Mountain College - Education," the project will start on Wednesday. After my first sports euphoria that drove me a few weeks ago to tell me the charity run project to join, I endschied me then but, shortly before, the motivation to run at 35 ° in the shade at least 10km was suddenly no longer there. Otherwise I'm forefront, especially in charitable matters. If it does not go straight to animals I do with any crap. But in the heat? No thanks!
So, what other choice did I now had to the bio-project, for days in the garden, eat our organic herbs teacher -? I do not know! Meditation for beginners? - Come on! And on the other projects I can not remember me, senseless and without purpose in my opinion were simple.
Finally decided Andrea (*) and I then for the policy project. Since we both had this week anyway before subculture debate led to the minorities join us wanted. Why not this time? Well, what does "not" ... That was basically our first chance since then ... And hey presto we were in it ... and we both have a threesome! Super condition for constructive team work! Andrea and I were around 9.30am, with my little sister, who is currently on a visit on his way to Enschede. Shopping and such! At least we had previously schonmal n Topic:

The influence of the bio-boom in the consumer behavior of people and the demands of the consumers of organic products

Since we would have in any case Wednesday schonmal can worry about it - have We then moved on Thursday. At breakfast. The result is then at least ne Evaluation of half an A4 page. Better than nothing. Today we were only half an hour in the school. I love this project!
And because I now only to finish Sunday Sun 50-10 questions for our survey needs, while others still have to spend at least 3h in rooms without air, I grab my bathing suit and even the same search me n shady spot:)

And now I have put so much already written without it to the point!
I am an avid organic / fair trade consumer. I buy everything! Whether or not it tastes! In any case of food, for Clothes still lack the necessary capital. And so I just wanted to add my two cents.

"By buying Fairtrade products, everyone has the chance to make the world a piece of justice!"

... is the official Transfair - Homepage. Crazy fit for such a topic. Since I have immediately felt a bit better when I saw my fair-trade orange juice next to me. To the whole thing to make fun of right now a few facts that everyone should appeal to a little deal with what you actually eat and what impact their consumption behavior in animals, the environment, but also to whole populations.

begins Basically yes when buying coffee, bananas, oranges, mangoes and even soy. Only the least put the question where their food comes as easy as they consider available. And I also saw the acquisition of Chiquita bananas to be completely normal. Bananas are great. Multinational corporations but unfortunately not! Plantation industry is now in Asia, Central and South America and Africa "walk and add" work for "everyone" is through the establishment of companies finally available and it seems as this would lead to secure livelihoods. Unfortunately this is never the case!

• mass production of inferior Quality is produced here
• burning of pristine primary rain forest, the result
• The cultivation of monocultures, pest infestation of cultivars
promotes • Loss of biodiversity
• contamination of the soil
• Socio-economic impact

This last point should make us think. Everyone always speaks of social justice, but no one is doing what. Basically, we go through life much too naive. You should be aware that farmers and plantation workers under the constant pressure of the world economy are, the fluctuations of supply and demand and produce their products are exposed to one under precarious working conditions, where thousands die each year relates to both their products for a minimum of middlemen must sell. The consequences of all this can lead to impoverishment. We should make clear that whole families, whole villages and whole countries are partly dependent on our consumption habits. And who now thinks that it must provide alternatives right! Of course there is this! Whose dream is not to let his children work with pesticides, to prescribe the prostitution, drugs to reduce or move into the filthy urban slums.
Fair Trade is therefore a great step to counteract this!
The world produces every day anyway 9 times as much as we consume ever to our "needs" to cover what is so totally absurd alone. In my opinion we should start our own personal attitude to reconsider. It is difficult to imagine that supported the naked buy 5 bananas, the miserable working conditions that dictate the big companies are.
We just, Germany would have to be one of the leading industrial countries are basically the responsibility to the emerging and developing countries to make the living conditions there to improve, because the people have no chance to escape from this injustice alone.
Sun and the Ablschuss still one of the best cons "But that's all so expensive!" A SO rubbish!
bananas, coffee, oranges (juice) are just a few cents more expensive than other products and that is to cope with that! Also, there was now also still in 15.08 supermarkets. REWE, LIDL and DM already have their own product lines and if I can finance my small BAföG sentence then will go to others. It is not about if we surrounded his entire consumer behavior, one should only start to consume more consciously and to act fairly to offer all the other people and future opportunities to secure livelihoods. We should learn to take responsibility for our actions, not mere naivete and go through life questioning everything.

And as Jean-Paul Sartre said:

"If you do not need your eyes to see will, you, you need to cry."


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