Monday, January 31, 2011

Dark Stool After Red Wine

eN Kriya - Introduction and steps

Nithyananda calls great yoga master at, to be present for the inauguration
The eN Kriya aims primarily to offset the 5 Pranas. Through the Kriya mainly the volume fraction of mitochondria (by a double membrane enclosed organelles that act as an energy power plants) increased, and thus put into the body of life energy, awakened that as a side effect of the Kundalini Shakti, the creative potential of people and levitation occurs . The Kriya is the essence of 48tägigen LEP process, the Swamiji has done.

All Kriya will only take about 42 minutes. It's enough just to run them once or twice daily. If you would like physical health, ranging from once a day. If one extraordinary yogic powers - Siddhis - want to know, such as teleportation, one can make the Kriya twice daily. Performed three times, the Kriya directly lead to enlightenment.

Before Swamiji Kriya published, he has conducted a thorough scientific and spiritual experimentation. The 13 times increase in the volume fraction of mitochondria could be found in all LEP students. The Kriya is a selection and compilation of Pranayama (Breathing techniques), mudras (finger positions) and body positions.

are in deep gratitude for Sadhashiva, Mahadeva, Maheshwara, which is the highest guru, the first master, and Matsyendranath Gorakhnath, the incarnations of Maheshwara and Mahavatar Babaji, Kriya this Swamiji reveals the world. The Kriya is one of the most sacred secrets, authentic experience experimenting, and now revealed to the world.

STEP 1 - Sit upright in full lotus, or cross-legged heel fit, breathe in and out 11 times. This prepares you for the Kriya.

closing the right nostril with thumb, breathe deeply and as long as you can through the left nostril, and if you can not breathe in, closing the left nostril and exhale from the right side - this will clean the Nadis.

STEP 2 - Hands in Chin Mudra, Bastrika, breathe deeply, pull the lower abdomen in and up without raising the shoulders - 21 times.

STEP 3 - Exhale as slowly as you have a can, the breath hold for as long as you believe in can, exhale as slowly as you like from can and hold your breath for as long as you can with empty lungs out without inhaling - 4 courses of action found 1 cycle. Perform a total of 21 cycles.

The above 3 steps are the preparation for Kriya. You can Kriya begin only after you have made these 3 preliminary steps. Without the preparation remains the Kriya ineffective.

STEP 4 the Hauptkriya - Shambavi Mudra closed with the fingers, the ears, with the index and middle fingers, eyes closed, the two ring fingers, the nose very tight and the little fingers touching her lips. Hold the breath flow after full inhalation as long as you can to. If you feel that you can not stop the flow of breath longer, take the ring finger from the nose and the body will then breathe automatically be compensated. Perform the exercise without your will from. The body will balance itself automatically. This is a Pranayama. Do it once a total 21st

STEP 5 - Sum of all the intense navel chakra from. The energy that is created, it must penetrate your whole system so that your muscle memory by that sum is awakened and alive Mahamantra-7-minutes of intensive sums.

STEP 6 - Then run 7 times from the Shakthi-Dharana meditation. Go to the kneeling position, bring your arms upwards, with palms facing the sky. Feel how the cosmic energy flowing through you. If you feel that you are saturated with energy, you tend to the earth, put his elbows on the floor and touch your forehead with the ground.

STEP 7 - Now for a few minutes long, just sit there and send it happiness, love and peace in the world.

This is a unique combination. Swamiji has brought the whole world in this Kriya. Through the dedication he has also the grace, presence and the blessings of the Master added.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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first impression of the Avatar of Kundalini Awakening Process

inauguration of 29 January 2011

by Nithyananda said German on Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 4:28 am
The avatar it and we felt it. This first eN-effect was very successful and the world will witness a drastic reduction in crime rates, natural disasters, manmade disasters.

This is not a prediction, it is recorded and analyzed later. From 2 March - 23 March is this e N-Effect intensively every day done by these groups of people around the world to reduce the negativity on our planet and the people. These are not empty words. People from over 680 countries have witnessed live!

eN This effect is our only hope and the reason for Paramahamsa Nithyananda, s appearance on our planet.

clip on youtube in English:

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The Science of eN effect

The eN-effect can be demonstrated scientifically in various ways:

Psychological changes

In studies completed by hundreds of participants from 21-day programs in the energy field of Nithyananda's Hauptashram in Bidadi India, it was found that 99% reported by participants of how they came away from depressed or stressed conditions, higher consciousness reached and more joy, love, peace, serenity and calm learned.

Many report a state of quiet attention. This psychological state is one of complete bliss. The mind experiences a state of quiet attention. The number of thoughts per second lowered drastically. The moods are more balanced, the mind is relaxed, but attentive.


The eN-effect is an experience of sound wave rectification of the brain.

is Neurologically the brain involved in depth. EEG tests show alpha wave harmony, the state of calm attention, as described above.

both lobes of the brain are integrated to ensure optimal creativity, intelligence and health. An increased level of vigilance is produced as a by-product of this experience. Since the body is flooded with more energy, lightness or weightlessness can be experienced, sometimes even hovering in the air. The body makes great restoration work and literally renews its basic structure.


mitochondria and cellular energy center

studies show that the eN effect a large influence on the human cellular energy center (mitochondria) has. The mitochondria produce ATP, which is needed as a source of chemical energy. ATP regulates cell signaling, cell transformation and cell death.

Also it regulates cell transformation and cell growth. It plays an important role in the aging process. ATP signals REPAIR / REJUVENATION. Depending on the degree of the maximum cell production, the energy the body can better fight disease and eliminate the free radicals.

If the mitochondria are strengthened to improve health and resilience.

"Nithyananda's transfer of bio-energy was measured by blood tests which show that the mitochondria of the students of the Inner Awakening Course 1st-21. December 2010 significantly, by an astonishing 13 times, were stronger.

ie, increased health and Resistance. The biological blueprint (design) is programmed for optimum performance, Anti-aging and rejuvenation!


When the body responds by improving Mitochondriaproduktion and structural change in the DNA to the cosmic energy of these changes in a remarkable way a major impact on health issues.

polls show the participants of the 21-day program at the ashram, that 90% of them who participated in the program have a significant health improvement. 20% reported an increase in their eyesight, 30%, a reduction of back pain and 90% of diabetic patients confirmed the lower their blood sugar.

Sociology: The greatest health benefits to the community as a whole

is the biggest effect that the condition of the direct sound in mind and body extends it to the community by means of the wave motion of the direct sound to the world consciousness.

As if a stone is thrown into a quiet pond, extended the same sound as a wave ring on the environment, what the information sent to a reception tower radio waves! This effect was on 30 July 1993 shall be out in Washington DC of the Transcendental Meditation organization. When a group of 4,000 experienced practitioners Meditators the harmony produced by common meditation, the crime of the city was reduced by 23.4%, according to the criminal statistics.

The cause and effect: an enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda

is an enlightened avatar, which has the ability to transmit the energy of cosmic consciousness to other people in his environment and in the distance.

He speaks of the eN-effect and its impact to create a wave of enlightened beings, which lead the world into over-confidence. His words seem to be true!

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eN effect and global alteration

"never doubt that a small group can change from" thinking, trusting citizens the world. In reality, the the only one that did this. "Margaret Mead

The planet Earth has a status of global imbalance achieved in many areas. The planet and therefore all forms of life are negatively affected by the greenhouse effect, global warming and resulting climate change. Conflicts between nations, religions, gender discrimination and radical conflicts are ongoing.

The problems are not limited to developing countries. Individuals in most developed nations suffer from severe suicide risk, depression levels and chronic diseases. The world urgently needs massive changes, which turns the situation for the better.

There are two variants of this solution. One of them is the exterior action, which requires huge investments. Many world organizations, international groups of experts, conferences, scientific journals and technical reports have been trying for years to develop solutions for many of these problems and to offer. Wonderful technologies have been developed, although often the human factor is the limited implementation. This human factor can be summarized as lower consciousness, which armies, manipulation and to obtain power applied to old battles in life, discarded intact and social habits has driven is material gain.

is the second version, to act from within, focusing on the inner transformation of every single person in a higher consciousness. If this inner transformation occurs, each approaching all areas with a lot of careful contemplation, love for others and dynamic implementation of workable solutions.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda , modern living Avatar provoked a working, demonstrable solution as a global change through individual, which their environment, the nation and eventually affect the entire world, can be performed.

An extraordinary transmission of high energy frequency, called eN effect (enlightening Nithyananda effect), there is the excellent opportunity the world raising awareness and lead mankind to peace, happiness and joy, and would save the environment and the planet .

Paramahamsa Nithyananda already taught 20 million people a year. He had just a few hundred of them in the deeper aspects of the eN-effect, initiated into the science of Kundalini awakening and of floating. These techniques, known as the science of the relationship, the same effect in other people from around the world are produced.

coherence (harmony, context) acts on the basis of the resonance. If the clocks are at different vibration frequency in the same room, it takes only minutes to take the same tact and fall into the same oscillation frequency.

The same principle happens to the human brain and human cells. The cells and the brain vibrate at a specific frequency. If the eN-effect is generated in a single or a group of people to take brain cells and others around the same frequency and begin to vibrate in harmony. This simple pattern which can have a tremendous ripple effect on the community, nation, and finally trigger on the entire planet.

The eN effect explains Paramahamsa Nithyananda, we can reduce the number of crimes, violence, war and disease in the world by the human consciousness is elevated to a higher vibration frequency. This is our chance the planet on which we all live to transform by the eN-effect in a quantum revival.

Look carefully at the science of eN-effect debate with his supporters, or better, get out as soon as possible one to achieve your own tune with the cosmic consciousness and to change the world.

Experience the eN-effect with Nithyananda on under eN TV

"Wherever you are physically, if you feel connected with me, then bounded up no space. You fall into the same line and live the eN-effect ". ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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eN effect and kundalini awakening

Kundalini is described as follows in Wikipedia:

"Kundalini is called the latent, hidden power potential in the human organism. It is, according to esoteric description, one of the components of the human subtle body, which the nadis (energy channels), chakras (psychic centers), Prana (subtle Vital energy) and Bindu (Essence drops included).

Yoga and Tantra claim that the kundalini energy by a guru (teacher) can be raised up. But body and mind need to be prepared with yogic disciplines such as pranayama or breath control, exercise, imagination and chanting.

The Kundalini can awaken as a result of practicing hatha yoga or other forms of spiritual practices. Also, they can awaken spontaneously for no apparent reason. "

The eN-effect is exactly the process described above. The living enlightened masters and avatar (divine incarnation) Paramahamsa Nithyananda awakens the Kundalini in every body, , Everyone who is in his presence, either physically or virtually.

The awakening of the Kundalini is a practice that is passed from master to disciple for centuries. In this cyber age Paramahamsa Nithyananda the Kundalini awakens through the internet!

When the Kundalini rises through each chakra or energy centers, beginning in the Muladhara chakra located at the top of the spine is cleaned each chakra. While this process may be one involuntary twitching, float, shake and enjoy spontaneous pranayama (breath control), vision or sound, strong feelings of happiness, unity and unconditional love. It occurs in the mindless A state where the ego falls away and only the pure self-experienced and expressed.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that this is nothing mystical, but simply explained scientifically. Nithyananda explains that because his Kundalini is awakened her, he influences around him, even if they exercised no extensive meditation practices. Simply by staying in His presence His energy is transmitted by direct sound. Like a tuning fork, which is housed in a room with several tuning forks to vibrate the same pitch, take over the other the sound, without being touched it themselves. The eN-effect is exactly this process. Experience the eN-effect and the truth who you are!

Nithyananda also explains that a body which is trained by yoga, meditation and physical exercises, much more has the ability to hold the energy of the awakened Kundalini. He also stressed that the intellectual capacity, obtained by attentive tracking his YouTube discourses and studies, the person capable of mindfulness and to develop the broadcasting of the kundalini energy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Much More Daylight Per Day After Dec 21?

DVR-recover 0.7 released

I’ve released a new relase of dvr-recover (dvr-recover 0.7). Only one minimal change, but most likely this one helps many users.

2011-01-26 Stefan Haller

Version 0.7:
* Introduced fallback for determining file size.
This solves issues with special files like device files.
Thanks to Kevin Cardinal, who reported the bug and tested the developed fix.

To get better results, please decrease the minchunksize . Many people reported to have improved recovery ratio by doing this.

Project’s homepage

Does January Gain Minutes Of Daylight?

Yet Another Challenge

In the past I really felt how tedious mixing languages can be. When I began to
write computer programs nearly everything was labeled in my mother tongue. The
more public the programs were, the more English they became. Today I’m going to
write everything related to a project in English, because maintaining different
language sets takes a lot of time. The last thing which remained German was this
blog. From now on I’ll keep blogging in English. Everyone who is interested in
my projects and my work should follow this blog to stay tuned. I’ll announce all
new projects, releases and software related things. If there are frequently
asked questions (indeed, there are), I'll answer them for everyone.

(The other reason is, that Google's pagerank for this blog is quite good for special queries, so I hope to reach more people.)

For the impatient: Currently I'm busy. A lot of exams and other stuff to do. I try to maintain my projects as best as I can, but do not expect too much.

Continue making free software dominating our world;)

Monday, January 24, 2011

German Figurines For Sale

The eN effect related videos

Ashtanga Yoga: Asana-New Revelations Patanjali Yoga Sutras 97: Nithyananda ...

Sacred Truths: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 95-Nithyananda Morning Satsang 10...

Q&A on eN-effect, Kundalini and Samadhi: Nithyananda Morning Satsang...

Asanas:Aligning to Kundalini Awakening (Patanjali Yoga Sutra 98)...

eN Effect: Deeper Insights by Nithyananda (Morning Satsang) 14 Jan 2011

What is eN-effect?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Affairs awakening to the highest consciousness Swami Nithyananda devotees from

13th April - 3 May 2011 - The program Inner Awakening "inner awakening to the highest consciousness," Paramahamsa Nithyananda's ultimate offer to create a new man - an intensive program of 21 days to the higher consciousness to live for a lasting breakthrough in consciousness and Living Enlightenment (the highest awareness experience), and a conflict-free life.

Sign on website.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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transfer of the kundalini energy via video-conference

video conference with Satsang centers around the world
Holy ash
transfer of the kundalini energy through the avatar via video conference in the satsang centers around the world

Today started Paramahamsa Nithyananda with the transfer of the kundalini energy via video conference in the satsang centers around the world. The impact of this transfer have been extraordinary. The people in 8 Countries that had never met the avatar previously experienced a series of Kundalini phenomena such as waves of bliss, joy watery eyes, trembling body, a lightness of body and organs, even jumping in the air - these are the initial stages of Levitation / of floating.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains that these experiences are the transmission of cosmic consciousness and very quickly lead to a lasting change of consciousness in people with this experience is. He describes this as eN effect.

at the Review of the sacred sandals (Padukas), the holy Ash (Vibhooti) discovered. He explained that this ash was teleported by his side, and called on scientists to come and explore this phenomenon.

in Mexico reported a Satsang group which participants aged 7 years to 60 years:

"Many experienced a mental ease, felt very light and felt that something was moving in the

"I was floating not physically, but felt very light and something in my spine was moving.
I sat and upper body turned very slowly, as in a circle. I felt very peaceful."

"I saw Nithyananda physically in the room with us."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda during a live Web TV transmission
Look followed eN TV LIVE with morning Pratyaksha Pada Puja to the lotus feet of Paramahamsa Nithyananda with daily satsang at. Special events may also be transferred live. The link leads you to live Web TV and a detailed eN TV program calendar.

Enjoy these early morning hours with Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda and find out the effect eN.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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program Inner Awakening 13th Apr - 3rd May 2011

The program Inner Awakening "inner awakening to the highest consciousness," Paramahamsa Nithyananda's ultimate offer to create a new man - an intensive program of 21 days to higher consciousness, for a lasting breakthrough in consciousness and Living Enlightenment (the highest awareness of life), and to find a conflict-free life.

thousands of subscribers around the world, their inner experience awakening to the total physical well-being, deep emotional healing, healing of Past Life Trauma (past life), DNA reprogramming and Realize its limitless potential in a zone of bliss. Live this extraordinary way ...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Germany Celebration of Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Birth Video Star Day

Germany Video Celebration of Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Birth Star Day on March 29th 2010th Happy Birthday Swamiji