Monday, January 31, 2011

Dark Stool After Red Wine

eN Kriya - Introduction and steps

Nithyananda calls great yoga master at, to be present for the inauguration
The eN Kriya aims primarily to offset the 5 Pranas. Through the Kriya mainly the volume fraction of mitochondria (by a double membrane enclosed organelles that act as an energy power plants) increased, and thus put into the body of life energy, awakened that as a side effect of the Kundalini Shakti, the creative potential of people and levitation occurs . The Kriya is the essence of 48tägigen LEP process, the Swamiji has done.

All Kriya will only take about 42 minutes. It's enough just to run them once or twice daily. If you would like physical health, ranging from once a day. If one extraordinary yogic powers - Siddhis - want to know, such as teleportation, one can make the Kriya twice daily. Performed three times, the Kriya directly lead to enlightenment.

Before Swamiji Kriya published, he has conducted a thorough scientific and spiritual experimentation. The 13 times increase in the volume fraction of mitochondria could be found in all LEP students. The Kriya is a selection and compilation of Pranayama (Breathing techniques), mudras (finger positions) and body positions.

are in deep gratitude for Sadhashiva, Mahadeva, Maheshwara, which is the highest guru, the first master, and Matsyendranath Gorakhnath, the incarnations of Maheshwara and Mahavatar Babaji, Kriya this Swamiji reveals the world. The Kriya is one of the most sacred secrets, authentic experience experimenting, and now revealed to the world.

STEP 1 - Sit upright in full lotus, or cross-legged heel fit, breathe in and out 11 times. This prepares you for the Kriya.

closing the right nostril with thumb, breathe deeply and as long as you can through the left nostril, and if you can not breathe in, closing the left nostril and exhale from the right side - this will clean the Nadis.

STEP 2 - Hands in Chin Mudra, Bastrika, breathe deeply, pull the lower abdomen in and up without raising the shoulders - 21 times.

STEP 3 - Exhale as slowly as you have a can, the breath hold for as long as you believe in can, exhale as slowly as you like from can and hold your breath for as long as you can with empty lungs out without inhaling - 4 courses of action found 1 cycle. Perform a total of 21 cycles.

The above 3 steps are the preparation for Kriya. You can Kriya begin only after you have made these 3 preliminary steps. Without the preparation remains the Kriya ineffective.

STEP 4 the Hauptkriya - Shambavi Mudra closed with the fingers, the ears, with the index and middle fingers, eyes closed, the two ring fingers, the nose very tight and the little fingers touching her lips. Hold the breath flow after full inhalation as long as you can to. If you feel that you can not stop the flow of breath longer, take the ring finger from the nose and the body will then breathe automatically be compensated. Perform the exercise without your will from. The body will balance itself automatically. This is a Pranayama. Do it once a total 21st

STEP 5 - Sum of all the intense navel chakra from. The energy that is created, it must penetrate your whole system so that your muscle memory by that sum is awakened and alive Mahamantra-7-minutes of intensive sums.

STEP 6 - Then run 7 times from the Shakthi-Dharana meditation. Go to the kneeling position, bring your arms upwards, with palms facing the sky. Feel how the cosmic energy flowing through you. If you feel that you are saturated with energy, you tend to the earth, put his elbows on the floor and touch your forehead with the ground.

STEP 7 - Now for a few minutes long, just sit there and send it happiness, love and peace in the world.

This is a unique combination. Swamiji has brought the whole world in this Kriya. Through the dedication he has also the grace, presence and the blessings of the Master added.


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