Sunday, January 30, 2011

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eN effect and kundalini awakening

Kundalini is described as follows in Wikipedia:

"Kundalini is called the latent, hidden power potential in the human organism. It is, according to esoteric description, one of the components of the human subtle body, which the nadis (energy channels), chakras (psychic centers), Prana (subtle Vital energy) and Bindu (Essence drops included).

Yoga and Tantra claim that the kundalini energy by a guru (teacher) can be raised up. But body and mind need to be prepared with yogic disciplines such as pranayama or breath control, exercise, imagination and chanting.

The Kundalini can awaken as a result of practicing hatha yoga or other forms of spiritual practices. Also, they can awaken spontaneously for no apparent reason. "

The eN-effect is exactly the process described above. The living enlightened masters and avatar (divine incarnation) Paramahamsa Nithyananda awakens the Kundalini in every body, , Everyone who is in his presence, either physically or virtually.

The awakening of the Kundalini is a practice that is passed from master to disciple for centuries. In this cyber age Paramahamsa Nithyananda the Kundalini awakens through the internet!

When the Kundalini rises through each chakra or energy centers, beginning in the Muladhara chakra located at the top of the spine is cleaned each chakra. While this process may be one involuntary twitching, float, shake and enjoy spontaneous pranayama (breath control), vision or sound, strong feelings of happiness, unity and unconditional love. It occurs in the mindless A state where the ego falls away and only the pure self-experienced and expressed.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that this is nothing mystical, but simply explained scientifically. Nithyananda explains that because his Kundalini is awakened her, he influences around him, even if they exercised no extensive meditation practices. Simply by staying in His presence His energy is transmitted by direct sound. Like a tuning fork, which is housed in a room with several tuning forks to vibrate the same pitch, take over the other the sound, without being touched it themselves. The eN-effect is exactly this process. Experience the eN-effect and the truth who you are!

Nithyananda also explains that a body which is trained by yoga, meditation and physical exercises, much more has the ability to hold the energy of the awakened Kundalini. He also stressed that the intellectual capacity, obtained by attentive tracking his YouTube discourses and studies, the person capable of mindfulness and to develop the broadcasting of the kundalini energy.


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