The eN-effect can be demonstrated scientifically in various ways:
Psychological changes
In studies completed by hundreds of participants from 21-day programs in the energy field of Nithyananda's Hauptashram in Bidadi India, it was found that 99% reported by participants of how they came away from depressed or stressed conditions, higher consciousness reached and more joy, love, peace, serenity and calm learned.
Many report a state of quiet attention. This psychological state is one of complete bliss. The mind experiences a state of quiet attention. The number of thoughts per second lowered drastically. The moods are more balanced, the mind is relaxed, but attentive.
The eN-effect is an experience of sound wave rectification of the brain.
is Neurologically the brain involved in depth. EEG tests show alpha wave harmony, the state of calm attention, as described above.
both lobes of the brain are integrated to ensure optimal creativity, intelligence and health. An increased level of vigilance is produced as a by-product of this experience. Since the body is flooded with more energy, lightness or weightlessness can be experienced, sometimes even hovering in the air. The body makes great restoration work and literally renews its basic structure.
mitochondria and cellular energy center
studies show that the eN effect a large influence on the human cellular energy center (mitochondria) has. The mitochondria produce ATP, which is needed as a source of chemical energy. ATP regulates cell signaling, cell transformation and cell death.
Also it regulates cell transformation and cell growth. It plays an important role in the aging process. ATP signals REPAIR / REJUVENATION. Depending on the degree of the maximum cell production, the energy the body can better fight disease and eliminate the free radicals.
If the mitochondria are strengthened to improve health and resilience.
"Nithyananda's transfer of bio-energy was measured by blood tests which show that the mitochondria of the students of the Inner Awakening Course 1st-21. December 2010 significantly, by an astonishing 13 times, were stronger.
ie, increased health and Resistance. The biological blueprint (design) is programmed for optimum performance, Anti-aging and rejuvenation!
When the body responds by improving Mitochondriaproduktion and structural change in the DNA to the cosmic energy of these changes in a remarkable way a major impact on health issues.
polls show the participants of the 21-day program at the ashram, that 90% of them who participated in the program have a significant health improvement. 20% reported an increase in their eyesight, 30%, a reduction of back pain and 90% of diabetic patients confirmed the lower their blood sugar.
Sociology: The greatest health benefits to the community as a whole
is the biggest effect that the condition of the direct sound in mind and body extends it to the community by means of the wave motion of the direct sound to the world consciousness.
As if a stone is thrown into a quiet pond, extended the same sound as a wave ring on the environment, what the information sent to a reception tower radio waves! This effect was on 30 July 1993 shall be out in Washington DC of the Transcendental Meditation organization. When a group of 4,000 experienced practitioners Meditators the harmony produced by common meditation, the crime of the city was reduced by 23.4%, according to the criminal statistics.
The cause and effect: an enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda
is an enlightened avatar, which has the ability to transmit the energy of cosmic consciousness to other people in his environment and in the distance.
He speaks of the eN-effect and its impact to create a wave of enlightened beings, which lead the world into over-confidence. His words seem to be true!
Psychological changes
In studies completed by hundreds of participants from 21-day programs in the energy field of Nithyananda's Hauptashram in Bidadi India, it was found that 99% reported by participants of how they came away from depressed or stressed conditions, higher consciousness reached and more joy, love, peace, serenity and calm learned.
Many report a state of quiet attention. This psychological state is one of complete bliss. The mind experiences a state of quiet attention. The number of thoughts per second lowered drastically. The moods are more balanced, the mind is relaxed, but attentive.
The eN-effect is an experience of sound wave rectification of the brain.
is Neurologically the brain involved in depth. EEG tests show alpha wave harmony, the state of calm attention, as described above.
both lobes of the brain are integrated to ensure optimal creativity, intelligence and health. An increased level of vigilance is produced as a by-product of this experience. Since the body is flooded with more energy, lightness or weightlessness can be experienced, sometimes even hovering in the air. The body makes great restoration work and literally renews its basic structure.
mitochondria and cellular energy center
studies show that the eN effect a large influence on the human cellular energy center (mitochondria) has. The mitochondria produce ATP, which is needed as a source of chemical energy. ATP regulates cell signaling, cell transformation and cell death.
Also it regulates cell transformation and cell growth. It plays an important role in the aging process. ATP signals REPAIR / REJUVENATION. Depending on the degree of the maximum cell production, the energy the body can better fight disease and eliminate the free radicals.
If the mitochondria are strengthened to improve health and resilience.
"Nithyananda's transfer of bio-energy was measured by blood tests which show that the mitochondria of the students of the Inner Awakening Course 1st-21. December 2010 significantly, by an astonishing 13 times, were stronger.
ie, increased health and Resistance. The biological blueprint (design) is programmed for optimum performance, Anti-aging and rejuvenation!
When the body responds by improving Mitochondriaproduktion and structural change in the DNA to the cosmic energy of these changes in a remarkable way a major impact on health issues.
polls show the participants of the 21-day program at the ashram, that 90% of them who participated in the program have a significant health improvement. 20% reported an increase in their eyesight, 30%, a reduction of back pain and 90% of diabetic patients confirmed the lower their blood sugar.
Sociology: The greatest health benefits to the community as a whole
is the biggest effect that the condition of the direct sound in mind and body extends it to the community by means of the wave motion of the direct sound to the world consciousness.
As if a stone is thrown into a quiet pond, extended the same sound as a wave ring on the environment, what the information sent to a reception tower radio waves! This effect was on 30 July 1993 shall be out in Washington DC of the Transcendental Meditation organization. When a group of 4,000 experienced practitioners Meditators the harmony produced by common meditation, the crime of the city was reduced by 23.4%, according to the criminal statistics.
The cause and effect: an enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda
is an enlightened avatar, which has the ability to transmit the energy of cosmic consciousness to other people in his environment and in the distance.
He speaks of the eN-effect and its impact to create a wave of enlightened beings, which lead the world into over-confidence. His words seem to be true!
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