Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blood Pressure 110/48 Pregnant

transfer of the kundalini energy via video-conference

video conference with Satsang centers around the world
Holy ash
transfer of the kundalini energy through the avatar via video conference in the satsang centers around the world

Today started Paramahamsa Nithyananda with the transfer of the kundalini energy via video conference in the satsang centers around the world. The impact of this transfer have been extraordinary. The people in 8 Countries that had never met the avatar previously experienced a series of Kundalini phenomena such as waves of bliss, joy watery eyes, trembling body, a lightness of body and organs, even jumping in the air - these are the initial stages of Levitation / of floating.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains that these experiences are the transmission of cosmic consciousness and very quickly lead to a lasting change of consciousness in people with this experience is. He describes this as eN effect.

at the Review of the sacred sandals (Padukas), the holy Ash (Vibhooti) discovered. He explained that this ash was teleported by his side, and called on scientists to come and explore this phenomenon.

in Mexico reported a Satsang group which participants aged 7 years to 60 years:

"Many experienced a mental ease, felt very light and felt that something was moving in the

"I was floating not physically, but felt very light and something in my spine was moving.
I sat and upper body turned very slowly, as in a circle. I felt very peaceful."

"I saw Nithyananda physically in the room with us."


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